Monday, August 30, 2010

Another batch of hexie backgrounds ready to go

I took a break from working on hexies last week. I'd been basting a second huge batch of background blues for what felt like eons, and got to the point where every night I'd look at it and think, "I don't feel like working on that today." I would have switched to sewing blues around the flowers, but I didn't have any ready to go. I like to pick the background hexies for a bunch of the flowers, stack the blues for each flower, and baste the pile of blues to the flower with a loop of thread. When I'm ready to sew, I snip the thread loop, and sew the hexies on, working my way down the pile. This way I can sew the background ring in place without having to turn my brain back on to make a "which blue next?" decision with each seam, which really slows things down. This is a slow-enough project already.

Selecting the blues for each flower is best done with natural light on the kitchen counter, as you see here, but day after day last week I was busy with other things and forgot to do it before evening. I finally got around to it Sunday. I've now got about 30 more flowers ready to sew blues to. That may sound like a lot, but it leaves another 30 or so to go, which means I still need to baste more (a lot more!) blues. At the moment I'm feeling inspired to keep going with the basting until all the remaining flowers are ready to have the background ring sewn on.

I may change my mind about that.


  1. I was just looking through some of your older blogs, and was looking at your Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt progress. Just was wondering how this was working out for you... it looks so pretty the parts that you have finished. I am excited to see how it works out. I also really enjoy that pattern and have thought about doing one myself.

  2. Hi Cassie! What a well-timed comment: I just finished adding the blue ring to the last of the (many, many) flowers a few days ago. I'll be posting a one-year update on this project a bit later this month.
