Monday, October 4, 2010

Button and Hem Day

... was supposed to be yesterday, but it didn't happen, so add that to what I need to get done today before my suitcase can be packed. I'm this close to done, though: the black stretch twill Jalie 2908 "jean-style pant" still needs its button and hems, but is pinned and ready to go. I'll get that wrapped up when I'm done here. The Marrakesh pant and light blue Jalie 2908 are finally in the "done" pile. With several disappointing knit tops shelved recently, I've gone back to the Santa Monica Tee to make two more last-minute tops. On my "to do" for when I get back: catch up on postings to Pattern Review.

I am now well-supplied with self-sewn clothes for my visit to Maine (mom & dad) and Oregon (sisters). I'm pleased that I've gotten so many new pieces done, and that I am only 10 yards behind on year-to-date yardage purchased vs. used. That will change by the time I get back, as I have multiple fabric store stops planned.

It will be great to spend time with family and see autumn foliage again. I will not enjoy being apart from Mr. de Hilo, though: he's staying here to keep our business chugging along (and feed the cat). He gets along fine with my folks, but while having him along would mean a nicer trip for me, it would also be a poor use of vacation time for him and a distraction from the many things he's trying to get done for our biz before the end of the year. We'll do something together another time.

Doesn't look like I'll get any pics up today, as I still have not gone out to do errands and it's a crappy day for photos: rainy and grey and looking like it will stay that way. I'll post from the road if I can...

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